Moving on.

14:26 April Nicole Clark 0 Comments

Hey guys, sorry i've been M.I.A for the past few weeks but i have my reasons.
I don't know whether talking about this on the internet is a good idea, but this is my blog and i will share what happened while i was away.
Sadly, my boyfriend (who has been mentioned on this blog many times before) and i separated and it's been difficult for me.
I've been going through phases and i've not really wanted to blog or do anything over this past month, all i've done is work and spend time with my family and friends; which is all i needed right now. 
Now, before i continue i will address the situation that i know will arise from me writing this. 

1. I am NOT in anyway shape or form using this as a way to "bash" him or "insult" him. Brian was a big part of my life and whatever has happened i will never stop caring for him. 

2. I'm NOT looking for any sympathy. I am using this as way to express how i feel and really make myself feel better and also, let you all know where i've been for the past month!

3. Whatever has happened between me and Brian is still our business and i wont disclose any information about how/why things ended, but all that you need to know is that it did, and things are moving on now. 

Ok, we good? Good. 

Spending over a year of your life with someone and seeing them most days, to completely cutting someone off and not seeing them for a long time, is as you can imagine very difficult. We still remain friends on social media but we are not on speaking terms, as it has been very difficult for the both of us. I still care very very much for Brian and i always will, we are just having time apart before we can feel we can become friends again, hopefully. 
I have spent this past month working, spending time with family and friends and focusing on myself a lot to get through all of this. Sadly, this has meant that i have not had the motivation to write any blog posts at this time, and i do hope you understand things have been very difficult for me and still is. 
By no means will i remove anything on this blog about him as he was a huge part of my life and completing removing him from this is not what i want to do. This blog is showing you my life and that is what Brian was, so no, i will not remove any of the posts i have made about him. 
I'm still struggling and dealing with this, but like everything it will take time but i'm hoping to get on with life and continue with this blog as a creative outlook for myself and a new beginning for myself now! I will throw myself into my work and into my blog and i will make myself feel better by doing this and i hope you guys can come along with the journey as well. 
I don't want to go into much more detail about this as i don't want to depress anyone or get all silly and cheesy on you guys!

Overall, Brian was a huge part of my life, not just a boyfriend, but a best friend and for that i will always always care for him and love him. I hope in the future we can both be in a place where we can become friends again as i feel cutting someone off for the rest of your life is never a good way and i don't want either of us to hold grudges against each other, i want to enjoy life and that includes Brian. 

WELL, that was lovely wasn't it! But i hope you guys understand i haven't been in the right mindset to do blog posts and i wouldn't want to throw any old posts just to have something here! I'll pick myself back up, throw myself in my blog and you'll (hopefully) be getting some more posts on here from now on. 

Thank you.
