My dressing table!
Hey guys! Quite a spur of the moment blog post but i thought i'd show a little more "about me" and show you my dressing table! I try and decorate my room to express me, or things that i like really, so i hope you enjoy!
Okay, this is my "dressing table" sort of? It's basically a table built into the wall, but may as well put it to use and make it look pretty! Firstly, there is usually a mirror in the middle but i got rid of it for when i took the photo. I don't like to clutter it up too much so i've tried to keep it minimal but at the same time trying to make it look nice as well!
Firstly, we've got my jar of nail varnishes! I wanted a cute way to store my nail varnishes since i have so many of them (this is just one jar, i still have another bag full...) Get a cheap jar and just fill it up to the brim with nail varnishes (ah, so pintrest!) and it looks really and it's a great little piece to have on your dressing table, or even just a nice way to store them in your cupboard.
Next you've got my make-up brushes! This is actually a tea-light holder from tesco but i thought it would be perfect to store my brushes! (i'll probably use it for tea-lights soon enough...) It's suppose to be an owl and it fits all of my make-up brushes in really snug and it makes it easy access for getting ready and it just looks super cute! Store your make-up brushes doesn't have to be in a candle holder though, you can even use a jar like what i store my nail varnishes in and use that too! Or just use a pen/pencil holder, it'll all hold them really well!
Finally, we have a picture of me and Brian (see, i give you a name Bri!) I'm aware it's such a silly photo and yes we did have a little to drink when it was taken (don't sue me.. we are both 18.) But it makes me giggle every time i see it and it just makes me laugh, so i couldn't help but framing it! The yankee candle i got as a present from my parents for my birthday and it's grapefruit! It smells so summery and so fresh and i love it!
So, that was a quick post! I thought i'd update you guys and give you a little insight into me too! If you liked this, let me know? I also have a shelf of "nik-naks" that i could show you too, or even my pin board with all my photos on, tickets lots of things that are special to me! Let me know if you want more posts like this? Thanks!
April xox
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